About Us
Our History
BMEUD is a non-for-profit organisation situate in Doncaster and registered in England. We are established as a platform for advocating the rights and welfare of blacks and minority ethnic in Doncaster. BMEUD was developed out of minority ethnics in Doncaster’s realisation of the problems black families experience whilst coming to live in this part of the country and the gaps that exist in their cohesion and settlement. Based on Census 2011 data, the proportion of the total population of those from Black & Minority Ethnic (BME) backgrounds represent 8.2% of the total population. Young people from BME background represents 10.2% of the total 0‐19 population. The working-age population from a BME background represents 8.8%, and older people from BME backgrounds represent 2.9%.
From a recent study and personal survey conducted there has been a huge increase in the BME population in Doncaster from the last Census. Bearing this in mind, a united forum for black ethnic minorities in Doncaster is very essential. In the past few years, an average of four families arrive Doncaster in a month for settlement. Most of these families migrate for a better, peaceful, and affordable lifestyle. On arrival, however, they find the process of navigating the system very overwhelming as there is no focal point or voice to signpost or channel their needs which includes navigating the job centre, council facilities, language barrier, local markets and food, religious organisations, etc, as such they conclude that the system is hostile and not friendly. BMEUD aims to work with the local authority, community groups, and faith groups to identify, support, and assist BME in Doncaster to navigate and break the existing barriers. We aim to promote the best interest of BME families in all our activities by employing a volunteer-led approach to addressing many of the issues that affect the BME communities in Doncaster.
Our Vision
Our vision is to see a community where diversity and equality for BME families are promoted.
1. To undertake the integration of BME in Doncaster into British society.
2. To Help BME in Doncaster to become responsible citizens and contribute positively to the British Society.
3. To work with the Local authority and increase the understanding of service providers in relation to the BME community’s needs.
4. To promote the development of appropriate services and practices to support BME families.
5. To raise the profile of BME families in Yorkshire and create awareness of our needs in ways that promote a positive climate for change.
6. To create a contact and focal point for all BME who need help in Doncaster.
7. To run a focus group centre for the alliance of BME in Doncaster that promotes inclusion and cohesion.
8. To Share and show our BME culture and promote our BME values.
9. To educate and discourage BMEs from all kinds of social vices such as Drug abuse, Terrorism, wrong gangs and etc.
10. To promote and preserve our cultural heritage of strong family cohesion and unity of the home.
11. To educate and discourage BME from the involvement in acts that increase sexuality transmitted diseases.
12. To support and organise projects that will enhance independent life skills and aid productivity.
13. To assist with the integration of newly arrived BME into Doncaster with a vision of networking and accessing all services in Doncaster.
14. To educate and support immigrants to regulate their immigration status.
15. To advocate against domestic violence and child abuse.
16. To signpost and network with other organisations to enable fluent English Speaking (Esol) of BME in Doncaster.
17. To engage and assist newly arrived families to navigate the system and find their footings in Doncaster.
18. We envisage a society where black ethnic minorities will be actively involved in the growth and improvement of Doncaster.
19. We aim to promote long-term insights for product development and communications by involving the community throughout.
Our Work
1. Awareness raising and sensitization
2. Information education and advisory services
3. Community and international development in partnership with other organisations to put into
practice projects that help alleviate the hardship that BME faces whilst settling in Doncaster.
4. Supporting BME families in crisis through effective early intervention.
Our Community Interest Forum
BME United Doncaster employs a volunteer-led approach to address many of the issues that affect minority Ethnics across UK.
We currently have 5 volunteers involved in our weekly Interest Forum helping to promote new
knowledge and to support. We are looking for more volunteers with a passion for humanity.